A wide array of agriculture produce was on display on Saturday 16th December, 2023 at the Queen’s Park Savannah, Port of Spain as over sixty (60) young farmers participated in the Youth in Agriculture Farmers’ Market – The Christmas Edition. This Youth in Agriculture Farmers’ Market is an initiative of the Ministry of Youth Development and National Service (MYDNS) in collaboration with the National Agricultural Marketing Development Company (NAMDEVCO).
The Youth in Agriculture Programme comprises three (3) programmes implemented by the Ministry of Youth Development and National Service: the Youth Agricultural Homestead Programme (YAHP); the Youth Agricultural Shade House Project and the Youth Aquaculture Project. In September 2023, the Honourable Foster Cummings, Minister of Youth Development and National Service launched these three programmes under the name “Youth in Agriculture” with the aim of introducing fifteen hundred (1500) new youthful farmers by 2025.
“The event was well-executed and I know that our youth farmers are very happy today. We look forward to an expansion of this programme. Look out for us in your community soon,” said Rackeal Bissoon, Technical Coordinator, the Youth Agricultural Shade House Project, MYDNS.
One of the participants, Patrick Aquing, YAHP – Cohort One and Owner of Hummingbird Homestead Limited – an agro-processing and livestock production business said, “Thanks to YAHP, we’re here today at the Youth in Agriculture Farmers’ Market. It is a very good initiative to help us get our ideas, products and produce out. I look forward to the next one. Through YAHP, I have revamped my entire business, using NEDCO’s initiatives and programmes. I started branding my business, doing labels, building signs and developing my business through the different strategies they have taught us.”
“I am truly impressed by the displays by the young people today,” said one patron who lives in St. Ann’s. “I am also delighted to see the passion and knowledge these young people have,” this patron added.
The Youth in Agriculture Farmers included National Youth Awardee for Agriculture 2021 Dasia Edwards’ Jelani Ubi which sells seasoning mixes and infused honey; National Youth Award Nominee 2023 Shanice Charles’ Dear Diet Enterprises Limited with Dasheen Cereals, Cassava Flour and More; Leeba Bradshaw Lucillo’s Living Décor which focuses on Vermicompost, wood chips, succulents and house plants; La Quan Perrie’s Quan’s Farm which sells customised grow boxes and seasonings.
The Ministry of Youth Development and National Service remains committed to bringing all stakeholders together to provide programmes and services that cater to the personal and professional needs of our youth.