Newly-appointed Minister of Youth Development and National Service, the Honourable Foster Cummings was warmly welcomed, at the Ministry’s Head Office in St Clair as he assumed his new portfolio. On hand to greet the Honourable Minister were Permanent Secretary Mr. Farook Hosein and Deputy Permanent Secretary Mrs. Marcia London-Mc Kellar.

On Tuesday, Minister Cummings met with former Minister of Youth Development and National Service, the Honourable Fitzgerald Hinds to discuss the plans and programmes of the Ministry.
During a brief meeting with the Ministry’s Executives, Minister Cummings said “that he was excited to be given this opportunity to help steer the course for the 500 000 plus young people who depend on us for strategic guidance, care and supervision, as they prepare themselves to be the leaders of tomorrow.” The Ministry of Youth Development and National Service stands ready to support the Honourable Foster Cummings as he continues the advancement of the youth development agenda in Trinidad and Tobago.