- What is the Youth Agricultural Shade House Project?
SHADE HOUSE is a youth-focused agricultural project designed to equip young persons with the skills and resources to utilise shade house farming through the agriculture co-operatives business model focused on the production of high-value, short-term crops. - Who is eligible?
Trinidad and Tobago nationals between the ages of 16 and 35 with an interest in agriculture. - Where can interested persons register?
Interested persons can complete an online application form and submit all relevant documents to the MYDNS website www.mydns.gov.tt
A hardcopy application form with supporting documents can also be completed and dropped off at MYDNS Head Office. (#2 Elizabeth Street, St. Clair)
The form can be downloaded from the MYDNS website or collected at MYDNS Head Office. - What are the requirements to register for SHADE HOUSE?
Applicants must be interested in agriculture and possess three (3) CXC subjects or any other combination of qualifications and experience to qualify. - Is the programme full-time or part-time?
The SHADE HOUSE project is a 1-year full-time programme delivered by the University of the West Indies, St. Augustine Trainees will receive a stipend of $150 per day based on their attendance and active participation. - What documents are required for successful registration?
In addition to a completed application form applicants are required to submit the following documents to successfully register:
o Academic certificates
o Birth certificate
o One valid form of photo ID. (Trinidad and Tobago National Identification Card or Passport) - Is the programme virtual or face to face?
The SHADE HOUSE project is a face to face programme. - Where will Agricultural Cooperative establish the Shade House farm?
At the Chaguaramas Development Authority (CDA) Agricultural Park, Tucker Valley, Chaguaramas. - When is the deadline to apply?
Monday 26th September, 2022 is the deadline for the submission of ALL applications. This is extended to Friday 7th October, 2022 at 4pm. - Where can interested persons get more information on SHADE HOUSE?
Interested persons can contact MYDNS at 868- 612- 9367 ext. 5010. - Dear Applicant, please NOTE, the following important guidelines in regard to the your Letter of Recommendation Letter:
- Each application must be accompanied by a certified statement from a Recommender;
- The Recommender must not be an immediate relative or family member of the applicant; and
- The following categories of persons are eligible Recommenders:
- Ministers of Religion registered under the law to perform marriages.
- Managing Directors, Directors, and Managers of Banks and companies.
- Members of Parliament, Mayors, Borough, or County Councilors.
- Notaries Public or Justices of the Peace or Commissioners of Affidavits.
- Senior Public Servants (Range 35 and above).
- Police Officers (Corporal and above rank) (Include Regimental Number).
- Fire Sub-Station Officers and above rank (Include Regimental Number). Prison Officers II and above rank (Include Regimental Number).
- Members of the Defense Force (Corporal/Leading Seaman and above rank)
- School Principals, Vice-Principals, Lecturers, Graduate Teachers (Teacher I and above)
The letters of recommendation must verify that the applicant is either employed, self-employed (state the profession), or unemployed and a stamped copy of the letter of recommendation must be submitted with the application.
Letters of recommendation can be emailed to Shadehouse.m21@gov.tt.