

Frequently Asked Questions on the Retiree Adolescent Partnership Programme

  1. What is the Retiree Adolescent Partnership Programme?

The Retiree Adolescent Partnership Programme known as RAPP is a youth and community intervention Programme which utilizes the skills, expertise and experience of retired persons, in addition to suitable members from within the community, to provide support, mentorship and supervision for youth, ages 10-17 years. Each RAPP Location hosts up to 50 students from the Community in need of this support. The RAPP is one of the Ministry’s flagship programmes that promotes pillar four (4) of the National Youth Policy which speaks to Creating safe spaces, peaceful communities and environments.

  • Where are these RAPP Centres Located
MaloneyMaloney Regional Complex (July/August Only) September Onwards to be confirmed after consultations with key stakeholders
Point FortinTechier Community Centre
CarenageCarenage Home Work Centre
ChaguanasTo be Confirmed with Key Community Stakeholders
St. JosephSt. Joseph Community Centre
ValenciaValencia Community Centre
La HorquettaLa Horquetta Regional Complex
CouvaLisas Gardens Community Centre (New)
San FernandoSan Fernando North Community Centre
LaventilleLaventille Open Bible Church
  • How can youth ages 10 – 17 be enrolled into the programme?

Young Persons through referrals from Parents, Members of the community or teachers can be enrolled through an application made available via the Ministry’s website at or can collect and submit at the Ministry’s headquarters situated at 2 Elizabeth Street, St. Clair, Port of Spain.

  • What is the role of the Service Providers and how can interested persons apply?

Interested persons can complete and submit the application form available on the Ministry’s Website at www., or deliver to MYDNS’ head office at #2 Elizabeth Street, St. Clair, Port of Spain. Applicants must be a retiree or early retired professional in the fields of; Education, Youth Development, Sport, Psychology, Culture and the Arts, Child Care, Skills Training or other related fields.  These persons must be able to commit at least 4 hours of service to the RAPP daily. Centre Coordinators are the reporting officers for each centers and receive a stipend of $4000.00 and is supported by Facilitators that receive a stipend of $3000.00.

The responsibilities of the Centre Coordinator are as follows:

  • Collaborating with and supervision of centre facilitators to ensuring reliable and effective delivery of service to participants.
  • Assessing centre needs and relaying to Regional Coordinators and the MYDNS.
  • Ensuring that the centre needs are met by making timely requests to the MYDNS and CBOs.
  • Ensuring security and distribution of centre resources.
  • Collaborating with and reporting to NGO/CBO on operational activities and fiscal matters at the centres.
  • Submitting Monthly to Regional/Project Coordinator or other reports as instructed by the MYDNS
  • Conducting weekly planning meetings with staff and additional meetings as needed with stakeholders (parents, CBO, Regional/Project Coordinators, etc)
  • Engaging the community to build relationships and garner support for the purpose of developing the youth participating in RAPP.
  • Liaising with parents/guardians on a regular basis to improve on RAPP’s ability to effectively support and mentor each participant.
  • Regularly assessing programme for strength and weaknesses and make necessary recommendations.
  • Providing services during operating hours and RAPP-related events.
  • Participating at all meetings and training sessions.

The responsibilities of the Centre Facilitators are as follows:

  • Planning and facilitating daily activities, with a focus on RAPP’s three (3) components (RAP sessions, Academic Assistance, Cultural/Sports/Life skills) Developing need-specific training modules with an emphasis on non-traditional teaching methods.
  • Monitoring (and reporting on) the attendance, discipline and progress of participants.
  • Liaising with parents/guardians on a regular basis to improve on RAPP’s ability to effectively support and mentor each participant.
  • Providing mentorship and guidance to participants on a daily basis and referring mentees and their families for professional counselling as needed.
  • Promoting and maintaining a caring harmonious environment, conducive to open dialogue and a cooperative relationship which will allow for overall development of the participants.
  • Encouraging participants to take full advantage of opportunities provided at the centre.
  • Providing support and motivation to participants which will enable realization of goals.
  • Introducing participants to new concepts, varied opportunities and a wide range of information to foster all-round development.
  • Providing services during operating hours and RAPP-related events.
  • Participating at all meetings and training sessions.
  • What are the requirements to be a Service Provider in the RAPP
    • Submit a copy of CV
    • Certificate of Good Character or Receipt
    • Two Forms of ID
    • Proof of Certification in any one of the Fields mentioned above
    • A Letter of Recommendation from an Approved Recommender

The Recommender must not be an immediate relative of the applicant. The following categories of persons are eligible to be Recommenders:

  • Ministers of Religion registered under the law to perform marriages.
  • Managing Directors, Directors, and Managers of Banks and companies.
  • Members of Parliament, Mayors/Chairmen/Councillors/Aldermen of Cities, Boroughs and Regional Corporations.
  • Notaries Public or Justices of the Peace or Commissioners of Affidavits.
  • Senior Public Servants (Range 35 and above).
  • Police Officers (Corporal and above rank) (include Regimental Number).
  • Fire Sub-Station Officers and above rank (include Regimental Number). Prison Officers II and above rank (include Regimental Number).
  • Members of the Defence Force (Corporal/Leading Seaman and above rank)
  • School Principals, Vice-Principals, Lecturers, Graduate Teachers (Teacher I and above)
  • What is the role of the Community Based Organizations/NPOs?

CBOs and NPOs are provided with a structured opportunity to contribute to youth and community development. Selected CBOs receive a small subvention of $8000.00 to assist with the general monthly management of the RAPP Centres. CBOs provide refreshments to participants, assist with preparing the spaces used for the execution of RAPP and liaise with key community personnel that will contribute to the programme’s effective and efficient operations.

  • What is the role of the Youth Volunteers in the RAPP?

Volunteers ages 18 – 35 provide assistance to the Coordinators and Facilitators in the general management of the RAPP Centre. They must be able to commit at least 7 hours weekly of service to the centre that they are attached to and aid its operation in; class instruction, peer tutoring; light clerical and administrative function and other operational activities as advised by the Centre Coordinator. Volunteers serve up to one term in the academic year in the first instance and receive a certificate by the MYDNS recognizing their national service.