
Prime Minister Dr. the Honourable Keith Rowley Commissions MYDNS Tucker Valley Shade House Project

Prime Minister of the Republic of Trinidad and Tobago, Dr. the Honorable Keith Rowley, yesterday August 15, 2024, commissioned four (4) ShadeHouses at Tucker Valley, Chaguaramas, under the Ministry of Youth Development and National Service’s, Youth Agricultural ShadeHouse Project.  The Tucker Valley ShadeHouse project is the second of its kind in the Caribbean region; and was conceptualized following a visit by Prime Minister Rowley to Guyana, in 2022.

The Prime Minister, in delivering the feature address, acknowledged the work done by President Irfaan Ali of Guyana, who he said ‘laid the groundwork for how we, in the CARICOM, could reduce 25% of our food import bill by 2025.’  The Prime Minister also stated that if we are to meet this target by 2025, “a larger effort is needed and our government, in the national budget, spends billions of dollars.” 

Prime Minister Rowley continued, “This exercise of ShadeHousing and the bringing of 1500 farmers into agriculture is probably the best expenditure that the government will make; and in every area there are benefits to be had, such as employment creation and young people becoming businessmen and business women.”  Rowley further stated, “Across the world, the role of women in agriculture is the difference between success and failure and having women in agriculture for the purpose of the household, brings a tremendous amount of enthusiasm, even in the commercial farming”.

The commissioned ShadeHouses will be utilized by youth farmers, trained in the Youth Agricultural ShadeHouse Project, to facilitate the production and sale of high value crops. The ShadeHouse project is an inter-ministerial collaborative initiative that garnered the support of ministries such as MYDNS, Ministry of Agriculture, Land and Fisheries, the Ministry of Public Utilities, the Ministry of Housing and Urban Development and the Ministry of Education. This nursery structure will provide a mix of shade and light which is ideal for shade loving plants and the harvesting of short term crops.

Youth Development and National Service Minister, the Honourable Foster Cummings, thanked stakeholders during his address, singling out Professor Dr. John Alleyne, Special Advisor to the Prime Minister on Agriculture, for his continued guidance on agriculture.  The Minister emphasized that the Government has invested significantly in our young people through three (3) flag ship Programmes.

Minister Cummings stated, “We intend to construct an additional 16 ShadeHouses at various locations, bringing it to a total of 20. Additionally, a training facility, micro agri-processing facilities and the opportunity to form a Youth Agricultural Cooperative for participants to market their produce, are added value to this Programme. We are training farmers and we are quite pleased that the students are doing very well, with the incentives from the MYDNS and NEDCO.  As a Government, we are introducing a new cadre of farmers to Trinidad and Tobago.”

Dean of the Faculty of Food and Agriculture, University of the West Indies, Professor Mark Wuddivira stated, “Our Visions aligns well with the Government and I want to express my gratitude to the Prime Minister and the Honourable Foster Cummings for promoting the right initiatives.  Today we have trained 200 youth in ShadeHouse and 100 in Aquaculture and the Government is laying the foundation for a more resilient and self-sufficient Trinidad and Tobago.”  This collaboration, Wuddivira said, “is a model for how we can effectively address national issues and ensure we are dynamic and responsive to societal needs. Together we are planting the seed for a brighter and more sustainable future.”

The Shade House project supports the goal of attaining food security and becoming self-sustainable in the supply of local agricultural products, within Trinidad and Tobago and for our regional partners.  Students of the ShadeHouse project have received the skills and resources to thrive as Argo-entrepreneurs and establish agriculture co-operatives, focused on producing high-value, short-term crops.  Cohort I students now have an opportunity to pass the baton, by sharing their experiences with students of Cohort II, who are currently doing their internship at the Tucker Valley ShadeHouses.

The ShadeHouse Project is a one-year, full-time, youth-focused agricultural programme, designed to equip nationals between 16–35 years, with the skills and resources to develop agriculture co-operatives focused on producing high-value, short-term crops. The Programme is implemented in collaboration with the Ministry of Agriculture, Land and Fisheries, the Ministry of Public Utilities, the Ministry of Housing and Urban Development and the Ministry of Education, along with the NEDCO and NAMDEVCO.

The Ministry of Youth Development and National Service remains committed to bringing all stakeholders together to promote youth development and encourages civic-minded citizens to contribute to the National Service of Trinidad and Tobago.

In photo: Prime Minister, Dr. the Honourable Keith Rowley greet students of the Youth Agricultural Shade House project, before commissioning the four (4) Tucker Valley Shade Houses. Looking on are Youth Development and National Service Minister, the Honourable Foster Cummings and Agriculture, Land and Fisheries Minister, the Honourable Kazim Hosein.
The Honourable Marvin Gonzales, Minister of Public Utilities, The Honourable Symon De Nobriga, Minister of Communications, Office of the Prime Minister, The Honourable Kazim Hosein, Ministry of Agriculture, Land and Fisheries, The Honourable Foster Cummings, Minister of Youth Development and National Service and The Honourable Keith Scotland, Minister in the Ministry of National Security and Professor Mark Wuddivira, Dean of the Faculty of Food and Agriculture, University of the West Indies and Shade House Field Officer Kirby Gill, all applaud as Prime Minister, Dr. The Honourable Keith Rowley, (c) cut the ribbon to Commission the Tucker Valley Shade House Project.