Port of Spain, August 07, 2024: “We at the MYDNS have impacted the lives of over 13,000 young people in Trinidad and Tobago and we don’t plan to stop at all.” These were the words echoed by the Honourable Foster Cummings, as he delivered the feature address at the Launch of the FUSE – Introductory Linesman/Line Clearer Training Programme, held at Government Campus Plaza Auditorium.
FUSE will provide the first cohort of fifty (50) young persons, ages 18-35 years, with specialized training in the critical aspects of electrical overhead line construction and maintenance, as well as develop participants with the relevant skills to conduct lines-clearing and vegetation management in an efficient manner and according to safety regulations. The skills developed in the FUSE programme would foster potential employability in any field involving overhead lines and landscaping and tree trimming in a non-energized environment.
Minister Cummings, during his address, highlighted several of the Programmes under National Service such as PIPE and DROP, along with other programmes such as ShadeHouse and YAHP, that provide a significant starting point for our upcoming new entrepreneurs.
The Minister lamented, “When we train you in different skill areas we want to make sure that you have the ability to get involved in business once you have that drive. We want to create employers as opposed to job seekers.”
Cummings stressed the point to the audience, that they should “Encourage the young people around you to get involved in something productive. Take the step as a civic-minded, responsible citizen to say, I am going to direct their part in the right direction.” As he closed, the YDNS Minister congratulated the 50 youth who were successful in securing a spot in the first cohort, referring to them as ‘brave’ to climb a 15-foot pole, supported by a belt and guiding their colleagues through the line process; and wished them all the best.
Chief Technical Officer at T&TEC, Christalson Belle, who also spoke at the launch, encouraged the students to make the most of this opportunity, stating; “You will be introduced to tools, equipment, theoretical and practical application of the Linesman/Line Clearer Training programme. Electricity is nothing to play with and safety is essential. The FUSE programme draws upon T&TEC’s legacy as the pioneer of the craft. Have the discipline to maintain your standards of safety and you can make a bright start to a world of wide reaching potential.” The CTO also expressed his pleasure with the natural partnership formed between T&TEC and the MYDNS.
The Ministry of Youth Development and National Service remains committed to bringing all stakeholders together to promote youth development and encourages civic-minded citizens to contribute to the National Service of Trinidad and Tobago.