
Youth Ministry Signs Service Level Agreements to Enhance Youth Aquaculture Programme

Permanent Secretary – Ministry of Youth Development and National Service (MYDNS) – Mr. Narine Charran (L) shakes the hand of Deputy Director of Academic Affairs – Cipriani College of Labour & Co-Operative Studies (CCLCS) – Mr. Sheldon Salino (R). Behind, Programme Dean, Co-operative Studies – CCLCS – Mr. Colin Bartholomew (L) looks on with Director – CCLCS – Dr. Andre Vincent Henry (R).

“This Service Level Agreement stands as a platform of progress, a blueprint of innovation, and a covenant of trust between the Government of Trinidad and Tobago and the next generation”. These were the words of the Permanent Secretary of the Ministry of Youth Development and National Service (MYDNS), Mr. Narine Charran at the Ceremony for the Signing of the Service Level Agreements for the Youth Aquaculture Project.

The Ceremony was held on Friday 10th May, 2024, at the MYDN’s Head Office at #2 Elizabeth Street, St. Clair. The ceremony solidified the continued partnerships amongst the Ministry of Youth Development and National Service, Caribbean Fisheries Training and Development Institute (CFDTI) and Cipriani College of Labour & Co-Operative Studies (CCLCS) as they provide training for the students of the Youth Aquaculture Project.

Permanent Secretary Charran further described the Service Level Agreements as a structured framework for delivering training and development in aquaculture, equipping our youth with the expertise necessary to thrive in and to lead the growing sectors of our blue economy.

Ms. Nerissa Lucky, Chairman of the Board at the CFDTI, enthusiastically expressed, “CFDTI is proud to partner with MYDNS, we are very happy to specifically provide training to 100 youths in Fin Fish Handling, Processing and Preservation under the Youth in Aquaculture Project”. The CFDTI falls under the Ministry of Agriculture, Land and Marine Resources, and is the leading provider of maritime and fisheries training in the English-speaking Caribbean.

Dr. Andre Vincent Henry, Director at the Cipriani College of Labour & Co-Operative Studies also delivered remarks at the Ceremony. He saluted the MYDNS for creating entrepreneurial opportunities that enable young people to move from being job seekers to job creators, and enlightened the audience of CCLCS’ commitment to support this venture.

The Youth Aquaculture Project, launched in 2023 and allows nationals to become successful 21st-century agribusiness entrepreneurs. The Programme offers young people 16 – 35 years old the opportunity to acquire technical and skills training with best practices in the cultivation of aquatic organisms in a controlled environment, creating a more opportunities for persons to contribute to the sustainable development of our local agricultural sector.

The Ministry of Youth Development and National Service remains committed to bringing all stakeholders together to promote youth development and encouraging civic-minded citizens to contribute to National Service across Trinidad and Tobago.

Representatives of the MYDNS are photographed with representatives from the Caribbean Fisheries Training and Development Institute (CFDTI) and a student of the Youth Aquaculture Project. (L-R) Youth Aquaculture Programme Coordinator – MYDNS – Mrs, Aaliyah D’Hereaux-Collette; Permanent Secretary – (MYDNS) – Mr. Narine Charran; Student – Youth Aquaculture Project – Mr. Dylan Chadee; Principal – CFDTI – Ms. Willa Guy Straker and Chairman of the Board – CFDTI – Ms. Nerissa Lucky.