
MYDNS Launches 2024 TECH/VOC Training Programme With 300 Youth

The Honourable Foster Cummings, Minister of Youth Development and National Service was represented by Mr. Anthony Garcia, Advisor to the Minister at the Launch of the Youth Technical Vocational Training (YouTec) Programme on Tuesday 25th June 2024. The YouTec Vocational Training Programme is designed to provide young persons from the ages 18-35 years, with technical/vocational skills […]


FUSE Applications Open

FUSE FAQ FUSE is a programme designed to provide young persons from the ages 18-35 years, with technical/vocational skills-training in overhead line construction and maintenance industry; thus equipping them with the requisite skills and competencies to obtain gainful employment in the electricity and telecommunication sector as a means of development. Overall, this programme will better […]


Youth Agricultural Shade House Project


AMPLIFY Extended Deadline


South Quarter Finalists for Youth on Stage Perform for Appreciative Audiance at SAPA

South Trinidad came out to support the Quarter-Finalists of Youth on Stage – South Edition on Sunday 26th May, 2024. Twenty-Seven (27) youth came out to perform in a range of artforms including Song, Dance, Instrumental, Spoken Word and more. This Ministry of Youth Development and National Service initiative attracted hundreds of youth across the country […]